Friday, February 26, 2010

On the off chance anyone needs one (better than Charles Kennedy's [but thank you, Charles Kennedy, for your translation was an invaluable resource])


I'm Jason. When I was at Cornell, I produced a poetic translation of the Old English poem Andreas, for which I received high (but not the highest) honors. I've now decided to post it all online. Andreas is one hell of a hagiograph, but there are disappointingly few translations out there that are sufficiently alliterative for my (correct) tastes; so I figure throwing one more into the mix can only help things, right?

Here is the translation, in its entirety. It's still a work in progress, really, so don't be alarmed if certain lines should suddenly improve. And here's the original introduction I wrote for it.

Also, I'd like to give special thanks to Professor Tom Hill, my advisor, without whom I neither would have produced such a rentsy thesis nor spent the past six months of my life immersed in Buffy; and Professor Sam Zacher, without whom I likely never would have studied Old English in the first place.
